In Popular, we are using a program to monitor transactions made with your credit card to alert you of any unusual pattern of use. If we detect any irregular pattern, you may receive a call or text message from our automated system to confirm that the transaction identified was done with your consent. Please answer with the choices provided, any other answer will be invalid. For your security, if a response isn’t received, the card could be blocked.

Remember that Banco Popular will NOT request confidential information or information of your account such as:

  • Social Security
  • Date of birth
  • Credit card number
  • PIN
  • Expiration date
  • Credit card security code
  • Mi Banco username and password
  • Mi Banco security codes

It is important to keep your account contact information updated; these include your mobile phone number and email address. To update your information access Mi Banco Mobile, call 787-758-0505, or toll free at 1-800-981-9505.

Use your credit card with confidence, we are on the alert 24/7


For more information, call 787.758.0505, or toll-free at 1.800.981.9505.