Popular Fiduciary Services welcomes you to the 2023 Popular Retirement Plans Conference.

During the event, you will be able to exchange ideas, discover new opportunities, and expand your knowledge about the retirement plans industry.

Thank you for your support during our annual retirement plans conference.

Please access this link for a short survey. Your answers will help us to offer a better service.

You can access the presentations in the links below.

  1. Secure Act 2.0: What Puerto Rico Retirement Plan Sponsors and Administrators Should Know in Advance
  2. ERISA Fiduciary Fundamentals and Retirement Plan Committee’s Best Practices
  3. Future Capital Managed Account Solution
  4. ERISA Beneficiaries Spousal Rights and QDROs: Protecting Your Retirement Legacy
  5. Best Practices on Handling Loand and hardship Withdrawals
  6. What is Socially Responsible Investing and the Difference Between Alternatives
  7. Estate Planning in Puerto Rico
  8. Retirement Plans Management Team Contact List

Thank you for joining us for the 2023 Retirement Plan Conference!