Simply pay2 with your eligible Mastercard at participating businesses.
For details visit caribbean.mastercard/world y caribbean.mastercard/worldelite
Click here to learn about the additional benefits your Mastercard credit card has to offer.
Cards issued by Banco Popular de Puerto Rico.
Businesses described here are not affiliated in any way with Banco Popular for this offer or benefit, nor are they sponsors or co-sponsors of this program. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Mastercard Terms and Conditions: The benefits referenced on this page are effective as of 08/2021 and are subject to change by Mastercard at any time, in accordance with Mastercard's notification policies, and are based on the terms and conditions of the individual merchant. Terms and conditions of benefits can be found on the Mastercard website caribbean.mastercard / world and caribbean.mastercard / worldelite. Any taxes are the sole responsibility of the buyer. The benefits and services are provided by third parties who are solely responsible for complying with what is provided.