
MultiCuenta Popular® offers convenience and flexibility to help you enjoy new experiences.

This account combines a checking section, a savings section, and a reserve line1, all under the same account number.


  • Two sections under one account number:
    • Transactions section: for daily use
    • Savings section: for future plans
  • The savings section earns tiered interest if the average daily balance of the cycle is equal or greater than $500.
  • Visa debit card 
  • Ahorro Directo7: A service that rounds up your transactions to the nearest dollar and deposits the difference into the savings account of your choice.


General Fees:

  • $25 minimum deposit needed to open the account.
  • $8 monthly service fee, waived if on any day during the monthly cycle you maintain ONE of the following:
    • - Daily balance of $500 or more in the checking section;
    • - Daily balance of $1,000 or more in the savings section;
    • - Combined balance of $10,000 or more in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and Certificates of Deposit (CDs) or $25,000 or more in the CIMA Account.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you're still not sure if this account is for you, visit our comparison table.
  • Open this account at any of our more than 150 branches throughout the island.