IRA Flexible Popular

  • Fixed rate for one year
  • Principal and interest rates secured by FDIC
  • No expiration date
  • No bank penalty
  • Interests earned are tax exempt
  • Minimum initial deposit $200

Additional Information

  • Interest is computed each day using daily balance and is accredited monthly.
  • The method used to compute interest is the daily balance. This method applies the daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
  • Penalties from the Treasury Department may apply.
  • Minimum additional deposits: $100 at any branch or $25 through the IRA Ahorro service.
  • If deposits are made or accounts opened using non-cash items (i.e. checks), interest begins to accrue on the business day on which the transaction takes place.
  • It is renewed automatically at maturity for the same term for and the current interest rate at that time.
  • Processing fee is $5 per instrument on withdrawals, cancellations and returns for excess of contributions; and $50 per instrument for rollovers to an eligible institution.
  • Deposit Instruments that are subject to legal process or garnishment, or to a request to hold or turn over your funds which are received from a Governmental Authority (including but not limited to the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Internal Revenue Service) or through court order , a fee of : $50 may apply.
  • Please refer to the Banco Popular IRA Description and Disclosure Form for more information concerning, among other things, how the interest is calculated.

For additional information call TeleBanco Popular®.


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