Ahorro Directo1 is a FREE service from Banco Popular that helps you increase your savings while you buy.

When you subscribe to this service, every time you make a purchase at a point of sale (POS) with your Banco Popular debit cards, we will round off the total cost of the purchase to the nearest dollar and the difference will be credited automatically from your checking account to the savings account(s) that you designate. Saving has never been this easy!.

ATH® purchases in one day

Purchase Spent on point of sale Rounded to the next dollar Transfer to your savings account
Drugstore $10.40 $11.00 $.60
Groceries $32.50 $33.00 $.50
Lunch $4.99 $5.00 $.01
  $1.11 in savings
Spent on point of sale
Rounded to the next dollar
Transfer to your savings account
$1.11 in savings

What does it require?

You only need the following:

  • Checking account
  • ATH® card from Banco Popular
  • Savings account

How do I sign up?

Easy!  Visit any of our branches, or call TeleBanco Popular® at 787-724-3659 o 1-888-724-3659.

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the registration requirements?
You must have an active checking account with an ATH® Regular / ATH® International debit card and a savings account.
For details about which accounts are eligible for the service, please refer to the answer to question #4.

2. If I have two savings accounts, can I use the service without having to open a checking account?
You will not be able to sign up for the service. A checking account and a savings account are required. The checking account is the account that will make transfers to the savings account.

3. Does this service have any cost for customers?
No, the Ahorro Directo service is free for our customers.

4. What accounts are eligible for Ahorro Directo?
Eligible products include:

  • Active individual accounts with no special or derogatory conditions (examples: deceased customer, in delinquency, etc.)
  • Checking accounts (to debit the transfer): Acceso Popular, Acceso Universitario, Cuenta Popular®, Maxi Premium, Multicuenta Popular®, Popular Plus®, e-account, Private Management Account (PMA), and B-Smart®.
  • Savings accounts (to credit the transfer): Acceso Popular (savings section), Acceso Universitario (savings section), Multicuenta Popular® (savings section), Popular Plus® (savings section), B-Smart® (savings section), Ahorro a Toda Hora®, Club del AhorroSM, ATH POP, and U-Save

5. How many checking accounts can I register?
You can register as many checking accounts as you want, as long as they have a Banco Popular ATH® debit card.

6 . How many accounts can I make transfers to?
You can make transfers to up to four savings accounts. The amount of the transfer will be divided proportionally among the accounts you wish to credit.

7 . When is the transfer debited from the checking account and credited to the savings account(s)?
A transfer from the checking account will be made at the end of the business day in which the purchase transaction is processed.

8. If I don't have money available for rounding up to the nearest dollar, will the account go into overdraft to make the transfer?
No, accounts will not go into overdraft if you do not have sufficient funds. The transfer simply will not take place.

9. If I have an account with a Reserve Line of Credit, can the transfer be debited from the Reserve?
No, transfers will only be made from the available balance on your checking account. If the transfer could cause the activation of the reserve, then the transfer will not take place.

10. If the service is canceled due to a condition on the account, will the transfer be accumulated for the next day?
No, transactions will not be accumulated if the service has been cancelled.

11. If the savings account to be credited has any condition, will that day’s transfer be canceled, or it is accumulated for the following day?
The transfer is canceled, and it's not accumulated.

12. If one of the accounts to be credited has any condition, will the transfer be made proportionally between the active savings accounts?

Yes, the transfer will be divided proportionally among those accounts that do not have any conditions.

13. If the service is canceled due to an account condition, must the costumer call to activate the service again?
If the checking account is classified with a condition, the service will be canceled and will automatically reactivated once the condition ends. If one of the savings accounts is classified with a condition, the service for that account will be cancelled and if a customer wishes to reactivate the service for that account, they must request enrollment in the service again.

14. If i withdraw money from an ATM, is the transaction rounded up?
No, the Ahorro Directo service only applies to purchases made at points of sale (POS).

15. How can I sign up for the service?
You can visit any of our branches or call TeleBanco Popular® at (787) 724-3659 or 1-888-724-3659.

Know more


  • Purchases made at points of sale (POS) are eligible.
  • Electronic withdrawals to ATH® International debit card or numbers are not eligible.
  • All purchases made with ATH® debit cards tied to the same account are eligible.
  • If the purchase is made on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the transfer will be processed on the next business day when the transaction is processed.

Purchase Returns

  • The corresponding transfer to that purchase will not be returned. The money from the Ahorro Directo transfer will remain in the service’s registered savings account(s).