
Financing Program for businesses with 2 years or less of operation

Boost your business with StartUp Popular!

  • Commercial loans designed for StartUps of up to $50,0001
  • Business coaching free-of-charge during the term of the loan
  • Business account with 12 months free-of-charge2
  • Access to Mi Banco Comercial with 12 months free-of-charge3
  • Networking events to connect with other entrepreneurs

How to apply to StartUp Popular

  1. Basic requirements: There are three (3) basic requirements to request participation in StartUp Popular. The business must:
    1. Be operating for two (2) years or less
    2. Currently be generating sales
    3. Have no commercial credit

    If you meet these requirements, send your completed application for participating, and the required documents to

  2. Evaluation of program eligibility requirements: A Popular representative will evaluate businesses that meet the basic requirements. During an interview, the Popular representative will collect additional information about the business, such as the use of funds, financial situation, entrepreneurs’ previous experience, and the potential for job creation. The StartUp Popular Committee will evaluate this information and decide if the business will be invited to submit a credit application.
  3. Invitation to apply: Once the StartUp Popular Committee confirms that the business meets the program’s eligibility requirements, the entrepreneur will have 60 days to submit the commercial credit application at the branch of their choice.

Learn which documents are needed and get ready!

1Download the form and fill it out.
2Make sure you have all the required documents.
3Send all the required documents to

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