
The holiday season is the perfect time to activate these tools

The holiday season is here! And that means it’s time for partying, fun, and gifts. Therefore, we must prepare for the season’s expenses and replenish the money spent on Black Friday purchases.

If this holiday feels more humble than last years, don’t worry. Follow these 2 tips to start this new year with your finances in order.

1. Stay on top on how your plan is going

The best way to stay in line with our budget is by regularly monitoring it. You can do this with Mi Banco Alerts1. As you buy gifts for your family members, the app can let you know when your balance is over or under a specific amount. It can also send notifications when you make purchases or payments using your cards, among other types of alerts.

2. Save while shopping for your gifts

Ahorro Directo2 is a tool that can bring excellent results this holiday season. With Ahorro Directo, all your transactions are rounded up to the next dollar and the difference is deposited directly into your savings account.

PurchasesAmount SpentTo Savings
Gift for Ana $55.65 $0.35
Gift for Pablo $59.39 $0.61
Gift for exchange $11.10 $0.90
Holiday Outfit $67.75 $0.25
Total Savings$2.11 to savings

Take advantage of all the tools available! Little by little, you’ll make the most of everything within your reach.

Let’s toast to a 2024 filled with financial success

Follow these tips to create budgets that will allow you to start the New Year with comfort and strength. Adapt your budget and continue planning for your future in