Borrowers Inquiries or Disputes


We encourage you to first work through your normal contacts and channels with the servicer of your loan. However, if that does not resolve the issue, you can escalate your concern within the servicer's organization. Servicers are required to have written procedures and personnel in place to provide timely and appropriate responses to homeowner inquiries and disputes.

If Banco Popular de Puerto Rico is the “Servicer” of your mortgage loan, follow the next three (3) steps to know what to expect along the process until the resolution of the case:

Step 1: Contact the Servicer

Please refer below for contact information:

  • Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
    Mortgage Customer Service Center
    Phone(s): 787.775.1100 toll free 1.800.981.1982
    Address: PO Box 70127 San Juan PR 00936-8127
  • Upon receipt of borrower/requestor inquiries and/or escalated complaints, servicer documents/registers the date on which the case was received.

Step 2: Acknowledgement

  • Within three (3) business days of when the escalated case was received, the servicer must acknowledge the inquiry in writing (email, fax, mail) and include all of the following:
    • Mortgage loan number
    • Contact name or department
    • Case reference number
    • Resolution date which must be no more than 15 days from receipt of the escalated case
    • A toll-free escalation phone number
  • If you are not able to resolve the escalated case by the documented resolution date, you may extend the resolution date for an additional 15 days, however, the total time for resolution of the escalated case may not exceed 30 days. You must also provide an updated status on the resolution dates to the requestor and borrower (as applicable).

Step 3: Review, Resolution & Notification

  • Servicer reviews escalated case against the information and documentation in their system of record to determine the accuracy of the inquiry and reach a resolution.
  • Servicer documents the proposed resolution in the servicing system/file including the date resolution was reached, or determined that no change in the original decision is needed.
  • Within 5 business days of identifying a resolution, the servicer communicates the proposed resolution in writing to the requestor and borrower, as applicable.

An escalated case is considered to be resolved when the inquiry has been reviewed in accordance with applicable guidelines and all three (3) steps mentioned above have been completed.

*requestor - the borrower’s trusted advisor, housing counselor, federal agency or elected official